The Importance of Oils and the Biological Value of Olive Oil

The Importance of Fats

Fats are vital for human cells and tissues. A large part of the energy required for the survival of the human body is met by fats. They are essential for fats, intracellular organelles, cell membranes, and nerve cells. In the body, fat (adipose) is stored in the tissue and used for energy when needed. Some vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, are fat-soluble. In order for these vitamins to mix with the blood, a certain amount of fat is required in the body.

Biological Value of Olive Oil
Considering the scarcity of dangerous substances left behind after burning, and the positive contributions it makes to the heart and hormonal system due to the vitamin E it carries, we should definitely include olive oil in our food.
Oncology doctor Haluk Nurbaki says the following in his speech titled "The Biological Value of Olive Oil and Its Importance for Our Health" at the Olive and Olive Oil Seminar on October 9, 1990:
"If you want to get calories, buy the cheapest fat, but if you are going to make cells, make sure that the fat you buy is of natural origin. Fat is especially necessary for erythrocytes and lymphocytes, which perform their defense duty by engulfing and destroying the microbes that enter the body. Vitamin C has a very important effect on both the heart muscle and hormonal secretions.In particular, growth hormones, sex hormones, which are more difficult than hormonal secretions, absolutely and necessarily work simultaneously with vitamin E. Even when the biological causes are unknown, blockages in hormonal balances and hormonal secretion glands For many years, vitamin E cures were given to infertile families so that it could go away and work simultaneously."
In addition to fatty acids, which are of great importance for humans, olive oil contains antioxidant elements that prevent the destruction caused by harmful substances in our body. These, in turn, support the hormones and help the development of cell differentiation and the formation of the cell membrane.
The olive tree; Its branches, leaves and resin, as well as its oil, are one of the natural substances that have been included in the compositions of medicines for years. It is a natural medicine. Since ancient times, people have used olive oil for treatment, religious ceremonies and daily beauty treatments. Hippocrates recommended olive oil to treat ulcers, cholera and muscle aches, and fresh green olives to patients with psychological disorders.
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